Thursday 9 December 2010

Ian Winstanley photographer

Ian Winstanley is a commercial photographer working in the Midlands and throughout the land, he started working in the music industry and has since moved professions to become an accomplished photographer.

Working for nearly 15 years in many photographic areas such as reportage, landscapes to lifestyle portraiture, either on location or in the studio, for me the images that really stand out are some of his portraiture shots, the way he lights the subject and how each image is cropped adds to the individual image.


  1. Hi Kev
    Last night looking at post production in photoshop - so not a problem for you. The next session is 6th January.

    I'm working until Christmas Eve, so I'll be driving back through Repton most nights. If you fancy a beer give me a call 221000 ext 8741.

  2. Hi
    As with all research and influences, you now need to compare your final work against original intentions and comment on how well you have done using critical vocabulary.

