Tuesday 23 November 2010

Adam Lawrence photographer

Adam Lawrence gained a degree in Applied Photography, Film and Television from Harrow College of Higher Education, following the degree course he decided to go traveling for a couple of years, during this trip he compiled a portfolio of travel images which would help to give him his first break in the creative industry, his first job was to take production photos of Oliver at a fringe theatre Islington and from that first job he hasn’t looked back.

Over the years Adam has built up an international client list including MTV, 3 Mobile the BBC and many more, his quirky portraiture style works extremely well with the musicians, comedians and movie stars, his way of working often acting as the studio clown seems to bring out the best of the sitter and time after time leads to some very interesting shoots.

I really like the way this portrait has been taken and the way in which Goks personality seems to shine out from the picture, the contrast between his clothing and the bright white background seems to amplify his facial features and the way in which the body has been positioned adds to the overall composition.

This portraiture shot of Rick Wakeman a world famous musicians is taken slightly from underneath, similar to the view point of a piano keyboard, the eyes are starring down towards the viewer and the left hand is poised just above the imaginary keys, his right hand supports his chin with a slightly bored look. His left hand seems to be floating and is slightly abstract due to the disproportionate size, I think that a wide-angle lens might have been used to capture this style of image.

This main focus of this picture is Peter Schmeichel hands, the tools of his trade, international goalkeeper and football pundit, the use of a wide-angle lens helps to create this quirky shot putting Peters right hand virtually in the viewers face. Peter is crouching down with his hands stretched  out towards the , the image has been produced as a black and white shot and in the post production stage the background has been cleaned-up to a pure bright white background.

I am not sure if this image is comical or one that is making a statement about old age, the whole image is taken using only shades of white apart from the single red jewelry stone and the slapdash applied lipstick, the facial features are very dramatic and intense and combined with the way in which the lipstick has been applied the image for me is very disturbing, the image also has a bleached out feel which adds to the overall composition.

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