Tuesday, 23 November 2010

Ass 207 - Mono compare

One of the images that particularly inspired me during this assignment was this picture taken by Jane Bown of Orson Wells, the way the light has been reduced to only highlight the face and the way in which it has been cropped was most interesting, the one part of the process I could not follow exactly in the studio was to use natural light, but I would have a go.

During my photoshoot I used just a single light source on Ian, my model for the day. What I was trying to do during this session was to capture an engaging expression and also a strong contrast between each side of the face, by moving the light forward, backwards and sideways altered the overall feel and look of the image, in the post production stage I darkened one side of the face the producing an image in the style of Jane Bown, the lip of the chair has been left which just adds a small amount of detail in the background.

In both pictures the sitter is looking directly at the viewer engaging with them directly, the colour balance is from white through shades of grey to solid black.

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