Tuesday 23 November 2010

Flick football - personal

keep your eye on the ball...

One of my ideas for this shoot was to try and capture the movement of the small subbuteo players as they moved towards the ball, to do this I set up 4 players - 3 blue, one red stripe and a ball, then I would flick a 2nd stripe towards the ball to try and capture the movement in the shot.

For this to work I needed to balance the shutter speed, f-stop and the flick speed of the player, after trying this a number of times it soon became apparent that getting the correct flick speed to work with set shutter speed, would be the hardest part, flick and click.

Eventually after a time in the studio I had a set of shots which I thought would be useable, after making a selection of my prefered shots I decided to montage 3 of the shots together in Photoshop using part of each image  with layers and layer mask options, this would hopefully give me the movement I was looking for...

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